Tuesday, August 12, 2008


"In Him we live and move and have our very being." that has been the theme for verse for the youth works summer and has also been kinda a personal mantra for me this summer. i found myself relying on my own abilities, my own hard work, and my own ambitions to get me through the summer. yet, through the wisdom of a good leader and a friend, i was able to see that i was relying on the arm of the flesh and i was striving. i was not allowing ministry to flow out of an abundance of what the Lord was doing in and through me. i was not serving under the understanding that no matter the outcome, my ministry was blessed by God and that i was His dearly beloved. i was working to please man and not God. this led me to work out of fear and reservation. i would not invest my life into adults, students, and community members because i was afraid that they would reject me or not find me credible. to compensate for this, i would strive. God is faithful though, and He caused me to realize that i must serve out of the abundance of His love for me and the time i spend in personal devotion.
it is through that abundant overflow i find true life and i am able to give true life. so many times we run ministries on empty, and we only produce flesh. flesh only produces death. it is my pursuit to truly live, move and have my being in Him.


this is reality You are coming to reign on the earth, and the increase of Your government will know no end!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

God in you is so cool :).

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I am seminarian who is learning about God, myself and others.

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